Friday, October 3, 2014

Blog 2: The Media I Consume!

In the past I could have been labeled a gamer. Although I never gotten into PC games, I have a serious soft-spot for the X-Box. At my peak I would play at least an hour or two daily. These days I find that most games I could play on my console would be inappropriate for my 6 year old daughter to be around. Now I'm a pocket gamer, killing time with clash of clans!

I believe that Jane McGonigal has an amazing idea. With so many people wasting their time on other world prestige, why not harness the inventiveness of millions of gamers to solve the worlds issues. 

Second Skin... Wow! Not the World of Warcraft "WOW" but Over the years I have seen many of my friends fall prey to this addictions. I have made many jokes at their expense, and the threat of me being an a-hole was not enough to get them out of their ruts. Instead i seem to have the ability to push them away, tired of  the teasing, they opt to stay at home with their "real friends" instead of being mocked all evening. Rest in peace buddies, you are all dearly missed!

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