Friday, October 3, 2014

About me

Days before the start of a new quarter, I found myself with a huge scheduling conflict. 2 of my 4 classes had their times changed and I was forced to revamp my schedule. Turns out this wasn't such a bad thing! I'm currently an Engineering major with a very full schedule and classes that would hardly be considered fun. This seemed like a class I could excel in and maybe even have fun going to school for a quarter! 

Back in 1999 I was an aspiring photographer. I was the photo-editor of my schools newspaper and yearbook. 35mm was my life until digital photography swooped in and turned my passion into dust. I would average 3-4 hours daily dinking around in my darkroom.

My interests in media are purely curiosity. Coming back to school at the ripe old age of 32, I had made the assumption that I would be a terrible writer. But, oddly enough, I have done exceptionally well in all of my writing classes. The even bigger surprise is I thrive when I am put to a deadline. I'm hoping this class might push me to reexamine my schedule and somehow slide journalism into the mix.

This summer I became a member at the Spring Hill Country Club. While I am not a great golfer, I am really enjoying the challenge!

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