Friday, October 24, 2014


It goes without saying that EVERYONE has woken up in a mood. Whether you rise in a great, angry, fragile, or even a little explosive mood, what emerges from under the blankets could be anybody’s guess. Personally, I have an agreement with my wife that I am not responsible for my actions for the first couple of minutes in the morning. Unfortunately she chooses to forget this agreement as soon as it becomes relevant. If only there was a way to alleviate the trouble of the morning mood…
“Leave your morning mood behind.” This is the slogan of McDonald’s latest renegade advertising campaign. While their slogan seems simple enough, the creativity displayed in the visual aids of the campaign, capture the viewer and give an aesthetic to moods that anyone can relate to.
The picture on the left is one of three that were used for a McDonald's advertising campaign in Austria. This image depicts a blue collared office worker whose body has been replaced with rockets. The insinuation here is that the subject is explosive or ready to "go off."  
But, with the help of a solid breakfast, specifically McDonald's breakfast, one can alter their mood for the better.
Though these images never surfaced in the U.S., their usage is a great representation of the creativity constantly displayed by the McDonald's marketing team. By associating a comical look with a common mood, the advertisement appeals to the consumer’s feelings. More than likely, no one has ever felt like their whole body was a cactus. On the same note, most of us have had mornings where we don't want to be touched or bothered. 
McDonald's is a very successful company that, even with constant pending litigation's, has remained a power-house in the business world. By keeping their ads new and fresh, they can constantly promote substandard food to the masses. And their tactics have worked. Whether you choose to indulge yourself in the McDonald's menu (I have abstained for
over 7 years), or make the decision that Mickey D's is not for you, their constant onslaught of witty promotions will catch your eye. This is one of the main reasons that McDonalds has celebrated such success. This year they ranked 106 in the Fortune 500.
Along with continued success in the fortune 500, McDonald's has also attained the rank of 12th in Fortune's "World's Most Admired Companies." Fortunes 50 This is largely due to their incredible marketing skills. They have captured society and continued to reel them in with their marketing campaign. This has allowed McDonald's to expand the company to position themselves within miles of anywhere you may be located. They are a company that circles the globe and continues to dominate the fast food industry.
 Nominated as one of The World's 17 Best Prints best advertisement prints in 2014, these images remind us of our weaknesses and give us a solution. If you feel fragile, eat McDonald's. If you feel anti-social, eat McDonald's. If you feel explosive, EAT MCDONALD'S!
Not only are the moods relevant, but the careers are engaging also. A laborer, a business man and a teacher are all subjects that most can relate to. The combinations are effective in multiple ways. They can appeal to all working class adults, by the Association Principle.  
Though I will never eat McDonald's, I look forward to future advertising campaigns. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

The greatest concept that I've read so far was from the section concerning Dell Hell. I love the idea that the "anyman" has the ability to question the corporate indifference.

On Tuesday I enjoyed a delicious hoppy beverage at my favorite watering hole. While I was there, I dropped a few bucks into the jukebox to find out that the song price went from $.50 to $1.00. As soon as I got home I contacted the company and demanded this be rectified. They have a week before the blog hits the fan!

Most people watch junk. I agree! But, after  I sort through the  BS I find the gems I'm looking for! I have been known to find junk amusing too!

Youtube has been an inspirational musical venue. While I have seen more junk then I want to repeat, I have found some amazing videos that have changed my expectations of the internet. Walk off the Earth has some of the most amazing, and fun, videos I have had the privilege of overplaying. Not only have I burned their songs into my brain, but I have introduced 30+ new WOTE fans.

@RADIOHEAD, music is kinda my thing. My wife hates it, but even when i'm taking a shower, I have theme music. @WALKOFFTHEEATRH, these guys are incredible!One youtube video and you'll fiend for more! @TOOL, anything the Reverend chooses to be a part of kicks serious ass!

The best tweet I've found was one by Kevin Smith stating that he has written a new Jaw's movie and he's planning on approaching Steven Spielberg about the script. "Woohoo" didn't quite capture the excitement so I left it alone.

I love the feeling that I have an open channel with most interesting people I can imagine. Since yesterday I have witnessed 20+ posts from the great Kevin Smith. It seems that anyone I have an interest in has an active twitter account!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Blog 2: The Media I Consume!

In the past I could have been labeled a gamer. Although I never gotten into PC games, I have a serious soft-spot for the X-Box. At my peak I would play at least an hour or two daily. These days I find that most games I could play on my console would be inappropriate for my 6 year old daughter to be around. Now I'm a pocket gamer, killing time with clash of clans!

I believe that Jane McGonigal has an amazing idea. With so many people wasting their time on other world prestige, why not harness the inventiveness of millions of gamers to solve the worlds issues. 

Second Skin... Wow! Not the World of Warcraft "WOW" but Over the years I have seen many of my friends fall prey to this addictions. I have made many jokes at their expense, and the threat of me being an a-hole was not enough to get them out of their ruts. Instead i seem to have the ability to push them away, tired of  the teasing, they opt to stay at home with their "real friends" instead of being mocked all evening. Rest in peace buddies, you are all dearly missed!

About me

Days before the start of a new quarter, I found myself with a huge scheduling conflict. 2 of my 4 classes had their times changed and I was forced to revamp my schedule. Turns out this wasn't such a bad thing! I'm currently an Engineering major with a very full schedule and classes that would hardly be considered fun. This seemed like a class I could excel in and maybe even have fun going to school for a quarter! 

Back in 1999 I was an aspiring photographer. I was the photo-editor of my schools newspaper and yearbook. 35mm was my life until digital photography swooped in and turned my passion into dust. I would average 3-4 hours daily dinking around in my darkroom.

My interests in media are purely curiosity. Coming back to school at the ripe old age of 32, I had made the assumption that I would be a terrible writer. But, oddly enough, I have done exceptionally well in all of my writing classes. The even bigger surprise is I thrive when I am put to a deadline. I'm hoping this class might push me to reexamine my schedule and somehow slide journalism into the mix.

This summer I became a member at the Spring Hill Country Club. While I am not a great golfer, I am really enjoying the challenge!